Confirming your book details
Confirming the setup details of your book - including size, printing, price and more.
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These are the setup details for your book and it is important that you check them all and understand what they mean. If you are unsure about anything, it's always better to ask first before approving.

If you do spot any errors or would like to change anything, please don’t approve and instead select 'I do not approve' and you will see options to give us more information.

Approving will not make your book live immediately, we will only make your book live for sale once you have told us you are ready or given us a date to do so. Approving is our way of making sure you understand the premises under which your book will be for sale, and whether you agree to them or not.

It is possible to make changes to these details in the future even after approving through your distribution account (usually Ingram Spark) but a new signature may be needed if you request the changes through us.

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